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Round out the long day with a nightcap. Take off the edge and experience deeply restful sleep so you can wake up feeling refreshed! Kick back and relax with this calming concoction and find peace of mind. Be prepared to sleep deep, knowing you’ll wake up without a hangover. Great in front of the fireplace, while reading a book in bed, after the kids have gone to sleep, or just when life is a bitch.
This powerful elixir is sure to please, and will get your face and lips red with passion. Great for a romantic date, celebrating an anniversary, to impress someone naked, or just to get people to fall in love with you.
This energizing potion is formulated to help boost your social skills, increase your brain power, and give you courage to hit on the hottest person in the room. Great for dinner parties, fancy bars, a night out with friends, and the dance clubs.
Round out the long day with a nightcap. Take off the edge and experience deeply restful sleep so you can wake up feeling refreshed! Kick back and relax with this calming concoction and find peace of mind. Be prepared to sleep deep, knowing you’ll wake up without a hangover. Great in front of the fireplace, while reading a book in bed, after the kids have gone to sleep, or just when life is a bitch. Read More
This powerful elixir is sure to please, and will get your face and lips red with passion. Great for a romantic date, celebrating an anniversary, to impress someone naked, or just to get people to fall in love with you. Read More
This energizing potion is formulated to help boost your social skills, increase your brain power, and give you courage to hit on the hottest person in the room. Great for dinner parties, fancy bars, a night out with friends, and the dance clubs. Read More