Viper Wines, Oaxacan Palomas and Non-Alcoholic Sake

Welcome to the eighth edition of High Spirits, the Dry Atlas newsletter on all the latest happenings in booze-free!

WTF is a Distilled Botanical

Earlier this year I found myself holding a book older than the United States of America. I was wearing cotton gloves and being extremely careful, but I wasn’t in a museum or an auction house. I was at a restaurant in the Meatpacking District with Ben Branson, founder of UK brand Seedlip, and others.

Ben owns an original copy of The Art of Distillation, published in 1651, and he (somewhat boldly) brought it with him to New York and let us flip through it. It’s a fascinating book that includes instructions for “how to extract a milky white substance from the rays of the moon” and “viper wine is made thus.” For the latter, start by taking of the best fat vipers, cut off their heads and… well, I’ll let you read the rest. Thankfully for us, Ben was inspired to create not a better viper wine but rather the world’s first non-alcoholic distilled botanical spirit, Seedlip.

Within the category of non-alc spirit alternatives, no segment raises more questions at Spirited Away than distilled botanicals. Read why in Dry Atlas’ complete guide to distilled botanical spirits.

New Brand X Dry Atlas happy hours

Thanks to all who joined me to sample GoodVines’ brand new posse of de-alcoholized wines, gluhweins and vinegar aperitivi this past Wednesday! The weekly Dry Atlas happy hours have been a big success so far and we’re going to keep the good times rolling every Wednesday from 5-7.

Join me from 5-7pm today, Wed, 12/7, to try Jas’ Oaxaca-inspired Paloma Libre canned cocktails. Swing by and check them out!

Next Wednesday, 12/14, get ready to try Lyre’s new-to-the-US-market Highland Malt Scotch whiskey alternative.

Odds and Ends

Thursday I had the pleasure of attending After AF magazine’s launch party at Hekate in the East Village. It’s a great spot and if you haven’t yet been, I highly recommend a visit. And the spicy non-alc margarita…

Speaking of NA bars, our friends at Third Place are throwing a non-alc holiday party next week in Gowanus that looks it’ll be a blast.

What’s the best use you’ve discovered so far for ChatGPT? Mine is recipes sans saga.

Ever since reading about amazake (non-alc sake), I’m on the hunt to try some this winter. Any ideas for where to get it in New York?

I’m just 100 pages into Dr. David Perlmutter’s book Grain Brain and it’s blowing my mind how many misconceptions about nutrition still persist in our society.

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