Trend Compass: Non-Alc in Sports

Non-alc brands are increasingly visible in sports, with industry giants like Guinness and Heineken leading the way. These brands are leveraging their non-alc variants to sponsor a variety of sporting events, from soccer and rugby to the high-octane world of Formula 1. This strategy cleverly circumvents the tightening restrictions on alcohol advertising in sports, particularly in Europe, where there’s a push to protect underage viewers from alcohol brands. However, the use of brand names synonymous with alcoholic products raises questions about such marketing efforts.

The trend of non-alc sponsorships is also making its way into college sports, with Recess becoming the official mocktail sponsor for the USC Trojans football team. Since August, cans of its Recess Zero Proof mocktails have been available at every home game. This partnership marks a first for college sports, and we expect more teams to follow. More recently, non-alc has entered the Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) world. UFC champion Max Holloway’s endorsement of New Brew, a kava-based beverage brand, is reframing non-alc in the traditionally machismo-driven world of combat sports. It’s a nod to the athlete’s focus on peak performance.

The visibility of non-alc options within sports is challenging the status quo and broadening its appeal to a mass, diverse audience. This trend is poised for growth as more sports teams and athletes alike realize the benefits of aligning with the non-alc movement.


  • Market Expansion: The integration of non-alc brands into sports can significantly expand market reach. By associating with teams and athletes, brands can tap into a diverse audience and broaden their consumer base.
  • Brand Perception: Sports sponsorships offer non-alc brands the opportunity to align with the positive values of active lifestyles and peak performance.
  • Regulatory Navigation: Non-alc brands associated with an alcoholic parent brand must be careful to maintain a distinct identity. While they’re keen to capitalize on existing brand equity, this balancing act is crucial to stay within increasingly strict alcohol advertising guidelines.


For more from Victoria, follow her on TikTok.

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