The Brand Bringing Alcohol-Free French Wine to the Table

“Finally, a good alcohol-free wine!” That’s what we heard from industry professionals when they tasted our Cuvée Révolutionnaire—available in white, red, rosé, and sparkling—when we released it last November. 

Sébastien Thomas, from a family of Cognac region winegrowers and distillers, and Fabien Marchand Cassagne, an expert in innovative beverage development, have revolutionized the wine world by shaking up traditions.


A tribute to French terroir

Fabien and Sébastien have always been passionate about wine: its pairings, traditions, and conviviality. Now, they have imagined alcohol-free variants that taste just as good as their alcoholic counterparts. To find the perfect aromatic balance, they teamed up with top winemakers and oenologists who, like them, believed another way is possible. moderato alcohol-free wines are the result of years of research to select, blend, and find the perfect distillation method.

It all began in Gascony, in southwest France, a region renowned for the richness of its wines. 

After many tests, Fabien and Sébastien chose the vacuum distillation method to preserve the identity and organoleptic qualities of the wine. “At moderato, we believe that every wine has a soul and that our role is to preserve it, even in a wine without alcohol,” says Sébastien.

moderato is taking innovation one step further by creating the “Chai Sobre,” or the “Sober Cellar,” the first center of excellence dedicated to alcohol-free wine production in France. From October 2024, the Chai Sobre will enable ambitious R&D programs, offering an integrated, high-quality service to the industry.


The revolution is well underway

According to a study conducted by moderato,1 more than one in two French consumers are strongly interested in alcohol-free wine for health and well-being reasons. This trend is global: non-alcoholic wine volumes increased by 18% in 2023 in the United States, accounting for 40% of the global market.2 We at moderato are also growing rapidly, and are particularly excited about the United States as a promising market.


Winning the palates of the greatest in gastronomy

The Cuvée Révolutionnaire of moderato, a flavorful feat, is already listed in temples of French gastronomy like La Grande Épicerie and Lenôtre. Designed to accompany the most refined dishes, our Cuvée adds a new dimension to alcohol-free dining. For the Franco-American chef Thomas Chisholm, “moderato is democratizing wine, a jewel of French culture.”

Now, everyone can enjoy the ritual of fine wine without downsides. Our Cuvée Révolutionnaire is a new expression of wine that still retains its substance. Aromatic and balanced, you can enjoy it with a good meal—without any impact on your health.


  1. Survey conducted by Seeds and moderato in November 2023.
  2. Sources: IWSR, Fact.MR.


Imported and distributed by V.O.S. Selections, the Cuvée Révolutionnaire is now available for pre-order and will be available for distribution starting September 1 within the tri-state area of New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania. Stock is limited, so if you’re ready to join the Revolution, get in touch with V.O.S. Selections at For more on moderato, visit their website. To stay informed on moderato’s developments, follow them on Instagram. Finally, for a laugh, tune in to their YouTube channel.

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