Q&A with Seraphim Founder, Stephanie Schaich Bricken

Stephanie Schaich Bricken is the creative force behind Seraphim, a brand that marries sophisticated flavors with the health benefits of functional ingredients. With a Master’s in Holistic Health, Stephanie has infused her passion for wellness into Seraphim’s blends, which are crafted with organic berries, healing herbs, and botanicals—and intentionally produced to the soothing sounds of meditation music. Her commitment to a clean, organic product that enhances well-being is palpable. Bricken’s journey is one of innovation and intuition. Read on to learn more.


What inspired you to create a beverage that prioritizes both health benefits and taste?

Thanks for this question. The wellness aspect is really important to me, as well as the ingredients being clean and mostly organic to benefit your health and the earth.

I loved my ritual of taking the load off from the day with a glass of wine. I loved the dryness and flavor complexity. It felt like a treat and I felt sophisticated drinking it. But with wine, my mood shifted—not in a good way—and I felt so unproductive the next day.

I wanted to keep this ritual but enjoy a beverage in my fancy glass that had that complexity. I also wanted it to help me feel relaxed, so the idea of adding calming herbs came in. Coming out of COVID, I thought offering an herb for immune support would be appealing, so I added that to the second blend. I earned a Master’s in Holistic Health and, through that process, clean ingredients and taking care of the environment via those ingredients became a priority.


Could you describe the flavor profiles of your blends and the process behind their creation?

Pure Blend Cassia, the original blend, is fruit-forward and jammy. It’s a vibrant blend of tart berries with hints of cinnamon and spice.

Pure Blend Cacao is smooth and buttery, a full-bodied blend of ripe berries with notes of rich dark chocolate.

The blends are crafted with only pure ingredients, organic and wild berries, healing herbs, and botanicals. There are no processing agents, preservatives, artificial colors, or flavors added. It’s only the plants, extracts, and berries. We play meditation music during the process to positively affect the energy in the room and the molecules of the blend. 


Can you delve deeper into the functional ingredients used in Seraphim? How do they contribute to the overall experience of the drink?

Reishi mushrooms are believed to have anti-viral, anti-inflammatory, and more benefits. Apple cider vinegar is believed to have gut health benefits, cinnamon may help lower blood sugar and enhance digestion, and cacao is rich in flavonols, which are believed to improve brain function. Hibiscus may help promote weight loss and support heart health. Organic sour cherries have melatonin which may aid sleep, support cardiovascular health, and support muscle repair. Wild blueberries are a great antioxidant, oat extract may offer support for stress, and elderberry extract can act as immune support.

But taste is the primary ingredient of a great experience. If the taste wasn’t great, the purpose would fail… creating a social beverage to enjoy like wine. So, getting those flavor notes perfected was my first priority. It’s also safe for pregnant and nursing mothers. And recently Vegan certified!


Do you have any recommended food pairings or serving suggestions to enhance the drinking experience?

I think the Cassia Blend is nice for the holidays with its cinnamon flavor notes. It feels cozy. It pairs nicely with turkey or chicken, spicy Middle Eastern vegan or vegetarian dishes, and with apple pie, sharp Asiago, soft brie, and jam.

The Cacao Blend is smooth. So it’s nice with meats, richer dishes, potato-based vegan dishes, Stilton blue cheese, and of course a chocolate dessert.


On a personal note, do you have a favorite Seraphim blend? How do you prefer to enjoy it?

It really depends on my mood and what flavor I want that day.

Sometimes I want a more zingy, tart experience so the cinnamon in the Cassia Blend spices the palate. I like the Cacao Blend when I want something smooth. It’s nice before bedtime because it has both the melatonin and oat extract for calming the nervous system.


What were some of the challenges you encountered while developing and launching Seraphim, and how did you overcome them?

I think one of the biggest challenges is not having a business partner.

I’m creative by nature. I enjoyed a career as a fashion designer for thirty years, so creating the blends and the branding came naturally. The business, sales, and logistics part of it is more challenging. I have met a lot of people along the way, many at industry trade shows, who have given me advice and direction. I am also grateful for the team of scientists and industry professionals at Rutgers Innovation Food Center who guide me.


Since its launch, how have consumers responded to Seraphim? Are there any points of feedback that have particularly stood out to you?

I started out doing farmers markets and still find them incredibly helpful. I get real-time feedback from customers and see first-hand the number of weekly return customers that love the brand, coming back for multiple bottles. They love the flavor and health benefits. I’ve tweaked the recipe based on customer feedback as they taste in front of me. I get ideas and referrals.

It’s so encouraging when people approach, curious and unsure. Then, once they taste it, they say, “Wow, this tastes so different, it’s really good!” Some even comment that they feel the good energy. It’s invaluable!  


How do you see the non-alcoholic beverage industry evolving, and where does Seraphim fit into this landscape?

It is growing rapidly and that’s so encouraging. I see the younger generations, probably older Gen Zs and Millennials, so curious and enthralled by the wellness aspect of the Seraphim ingredients, and the non-alcoholic aspect. They aren’t interested in drinking or they are just curious about having a new experience. Many love the idea of a “new social beverage.”


Are there any plans to introduce more blends or flavors to the Seraphim range? Can consumers expect any new releases in the near future?

Yes, I am in the idea stage of formulating a more earthy blend. I had an encouraging meeting with Eleven Madison Park; they loved the flavor and suggested an earthy blend. I decided to take their advice!


Lastly, what is the one message or sentiment you’d like consumers to take away after trying Seraphim?

To be happy that they have an alternative that tastes good, is good for them, and is good for the Earth.



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