Alcohol-Free Events Pioneer Sam Bail’s Non-Alc Picks

As the founder of Third Place Bar, a dynamic series of alcohol-free pop-up events in New York City, Sam is a champion for non-alc options in social settings. She’s passionate about creating a welcoming space for people to connect without the pressure to drink—whether they’re abstaining for the night, taking a break, or embracing a longer alcohol-free journey.


Here are Sam’s current non-alc picks:


Aplós Calme

This is a grassy, herbal, complex functional botanical spirit that goes incredibly well in refreshing citrus-based highballs.






Unified Ferments Snow Chrysanthemum

This laid-back, sophisticated kombucha is described as resembling an orange wine—and I can see why. It’s funky with bold herbal notes and goes incredibly well with food.





Lautus Savvy Red

My absolute favorite non-alcoholic red wine. It’s dry and tannic with notes of black fruit, oak, and a complexity that is hard to find in non-alcoholic red wines.






Oddbird Blanc de Blancs

Just when I thought non-alcoholic sparkling wines had peaked, I found this fantastic de-alcoholized dry bubbly. 






Ritual Zero Proof Rum Alternative

This is my Swiss army knife of non-alcoholic spirit alternatives. Espresso martinis, hot toddies, tiki drinks—this rum adds caramel notes and a hint of booziness to any drink.





KittiePIG Brütal Bërry

I expected this non-alcoholic beer to be sweet and juicy like a sour, but instead it’s a wonderfully crisp, slightly hoppy blonde with just a hint of berries. Super crushable.






For more from Sam, sign up for her newsletter at and follow her on Instagram @thirdplacebarnyc.

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