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Mashville™ is a non-alcoholic, sugar,-free whiskey alternative that blends perfectly in all of your favorite mixed drinks. This alcohol-free blend has the smooth flavor of a premium whiskey, but it won’t slow you down. Enjoy a sophisticated beverage with notes of sweet corn, charred oak, clove and red apple cider. Zero alcohol, zero calories and all natural. Seir Hill is a new kind of adult beverage — just don't call it weak.
Additional Details
750 ml bottle
Filtered Water, Charred Oak Flavor, Sweet Corn Flavor, Malt Flavor, Clove Extract, Red Apple Cider Flavor, Meyer Lemon Flavor, Natural Flavors, Citric Acid, Acaia and Xanthan Gums, Purple Carrot and Caramel (Natural Color), Potassium Sorbate, Sodium Benzoate
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Suggested Retail Price:
34.99 USD for 750 ml bottle