Just as our cherished Cape Fynbos cannot exist without fire, so any social occasion is not complete without the intensity of the Epilogue X. Demonstrative of the strength, smoke and burn of the sometimes-ravaging Western Cape fires in South Africa, that tear through the vegetation, but in turn provides the lifeblood of the survival and propagation of the Cape Floral Kingdom. Add some ice and top with soda or mix with ginger ale and a squeeze of lime. If you fancy something sweeter, it works a treat when mixed with Coca-Cola. If you are really trying to impress, it is perfect for a non-alcoholic Old Fashioned.
IWSC International Wine and Spirits Competition 2021: Gold
Smoked Peated and Blended Malts, Oak, Honeybush, Vanilla, Cassia, Cardamom, Clove, Helichrysum Petiolare (Impepho)
A blend of peated, smoked and dark toasted malt that is meticulously married with a combination of distilled spice botanicals and South African Honeybush. Amber in colour, resembling a dark spirit.
Tasting Notes:
With smoked peat and spice on the nose, the Epilogue X delivers a mouth-coating, full smoke and faintly honied distilled spirit with a lingering mouthfeel. Sweet notes from the Honeybush and toasted wood marries beautifully with subtle spice on the palate, finishing with a slight burn in the aftertaste.