Q&A with Andrew Solis, Founder of Cut Above

Andrew Solis, Founder and CEO of Cut Above, shares his personal journey from a Saturday morning hangover to creating a line of non-alcoholic spirits. Reflecting on his desire for more options in drinking experiences, Andrew discusses the genesis of Cut Above, born from a need for non-alcoholic cocktails that don’t compromise on taste. He dives into the meticulous process of crafting alternatives that maintain the essence of top-shelf spirits, and shares his vision for a future where social drinking includes options for everyone.


What was the pivotal moment that inspired you to create Cut Above?

Funny enough, it was a hangover on a Saturday morning. But the events leading up to that moment form the true origin story of Cut Above.

At the age of 40, I found myself wanting to drink less alcohol and I didn’t really know how to do that on my terms. I wanted to continue my social life and enjoy my favorite cocktails—just without the alcohol. After seeing an ad for a non-alc whiskey on my Instagram page, I purchased a bottle. But, after making a cocktail at home, it didn’t quite live up to the brand promise. I tried others and none of them really did. They were watery or were totally new flavors that were not my favorite cocktail choice.

At that same time in my life, I found myself wanting to set a better example for my kids of what it looks like to take a bet on yourself and try to make the world a better place. In the career I was in at the time, I didn’t have a sense of fulfillment. They were starting to notice that I was going through the motions. I had to do better.

So, on that Saturday morning with a headache, I had the idea. Wouldn’t it have been cool if I could have kept ordering drinks—but stayed in charge of the actual alcohol content in them? What if the bartender could offer me my favorite cocktail, just without the alcohol or with less alcohol? What if I could easily order that? What if I could have stayed out and bought rounds of drinks like I always did with my friends, but with a well-crafted cocktail in hand, not an inferior mocktail?

And so Cut Above was born.


How does Cut Above maintain the essence of a top-shelf spirit without the alcohol content?

Thoughtfully is the cheeky one word answer.

What I mean is: we poured years into the development of the actual spirit. Our goal was to create something that performed in cocktails. It had to be a one-for-one replacement. It had to hold up to cocktail dilution, have complex flavors and mouthfeel, and use natural ingredients. We enlisted beverage experts and seasoned spirits industry professionals to make sure we got it right. So, first and foremost, it’s thanks to our commitment to taste and product performance.

Second, top-shelf requires a strong brand. So, we built a brand that’s about choice, celebration, and making great cocktails. Our vision is a world where the decision to drink less alcohol is inclusive, effortless, and normalized. We want to be where great cocktails are, whether that’s at home or at an establishment. That’s why our brand speaks to drinkers and non-drinkers alike. 


What were the key challenges in creating a sophisticated non-alcoholic spirit? 

The hardest part was finding the right combination of ingredients and getting them to bind together without the aid of ethanol.

Visualize a massive panel in front of you. It has rows and rows of knobs that you can turn from 0 to 10. Our job was to find the right combination of knobs—not just which needed to be on or off, but when and by how much. And that was just getting the flavors right. Then we had to work on the mouthfeel and performance. We tried over one thousand different flavors and combinations, compared them to traditional spirits and other non-alc spirits, on their own and in cocktails.


Can you share more about the specific ingredients and processes that make Cut Above stand out in terms of taste and mouthfeel?

We’re made from natural ingredients (terpenes and/or phenols) and high-quality, reverse osmosis purified, neutral pH water.

Our Master Blender combines the natural ingredients in a proprietary process. Cut Above spirits aren’t distilled or aged. All our flavors exist in nature as flowers, herbs, plants, fruits, roots, barks, leaves, or vegetables.

These components behave in different ways and we wanted Cut Above to be more than one note. We have a beginning, middle, and finish due to the way we selected the ingredients. Some of these ingredients—like juniper—are found in traditional spirits and some are not. We chose to add gum, which gives Cut Above body and allows it to hold up in cocktails even after dilution from mixers and ice. Finally, we have the highest concentration of flavors so the cocktail doesn’t taste watery. That’s why the liquid is slightly opaque. 


What is your personal favorite way to enjoy Cut Above, and do you have any signature cocktail recommendations?

I enjoy Cut Above two ways: in what we term a Zero cocktail and a Cut cocktail. Zero cocktails are made just using Cut Above so have no alcohol at all. Cut cocktails are made using a split base of a traditional spirit and Cut Above so it is a low alcohol version of a cocktail. It’s part of our trademarked Zero, Cut, Classic ABV Management System.

I love our Whiskey in a bramble or espresso martini riff. Our tequila (which we call Agave Blanco) pairs well in any citrus cocktail such as a Margarita. And our Gin works superbly in a Bee’s Knees or a Southside. But, for me, nothing beats a Paloma with our Mezcal, especially during the summer.


What feedback have you received from bartenders and consumers about Cut Above, and how has it shaped the brand’s evolution?

We hear a few common things from our bartenders. First, a “thank you” for making a one-for-one that holds up in cocktails. They appreciate that we think about our spirits in terms of product usage (for example, you can infuse, fat wash, etc. our spirits just like traditional ones). Second, they like our focus on hospitality and solving their problems while helping the bottom line of their business.

From consumers, we hear appreciation for helping them feel included when they imbibe without the alcohol. They love that they don’t have to settle anymore. Something we learned about halfway through this year is that they need help with cocktail making. I took for granted that everyone had a shaker and jigger in their house. So, we are designing cocktails, recipes, and content to help them make great cocktails no matter their previous experience with cocktail making. Our new Mini Variety packs were a direct response to feedback that they wanted to try small format before committing to a full-size bottle.


As Cut Above grows, how do you plan to innovate and expand your product line?

We’re starting new product development in 2024, but I haven’t landed on what that looks like yet. Our core line-up remains our focus.

We’ll be unveiling two additional components of our brand: our guide to Inclusive Hospitality and Cut Above Gives Back. Really, they’ve always been part of our brand. Inclusive Hospitality is for our friends in the bar and restaurant space. It outlines the best practices for building a revenue-generating low and no alcohol cocktail program. Cut Above Gives Back is our program that will donate a portion of sales to nonprofits operating for the greater good.


How do you envision the future of social drinking and the place of non-alcoholic options within it?

As weird as it may sound, I think it’ll be a wonderful day when we don’t talk about who is drinking or not drinking alcohol.

I really envision it growing akin to how vegetarianism matured. At first it was novel and a little disruptive (with pushback). Then it slowly became accepted. That was followed by absorption/incorporation, to the point that now almost every establishment has a vegetarian option. It’s part of the menu alongside everything else, and nobody needs to talk about if they are or are not eating animal protein and why.

That’s what I want to see for alcohol alternatives: everyone included and normalization of abstainers and moderators in the social mix.



Dry Atlas is your guide to the world of alcohol alternatives. We maintain the world’s largest directory of non-alcoholic spirits, wines, beers, and more to help you discover options you’ll love. We also publish High Spirits, the weekly newsletter that helps open-minded drinkers like you learn more about non-alc. Our goal is to demystify alcohol alternatives so you can navigate them with ease to pursue a happier, healthier life.

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